Thursday, May 13, 2010

Discovering Ilkley Moor: Flora & Fauna

Image of 3 butterfly species found on Ilkley Moor
Clockwise from top: Ringlet butterfly, Green Hairstreak butterfly,
Comma butterfly

Ilkley Moor is a rich area for wildlife, both flora and fauna. Flora first. Most of what you see is grass and rushes, Heather and Bracken. Wavy Hair-grass covers large patches of the highest parts, while the fluffy white cotton wool tufts of Cottongrass mark the damper spots.

Heather comes in three sorts. Ling is the most common. It is what we generally mean when we talk about the Moor. But there is also Bell Heather, and Cross-leaved Heath, both with larger flowers. In amongst, and becoming commoner, is Crowberry, which looks very like the heathers. You can tell it by its shiny black berries. On the drier Heather areas you will find plenty of Bilberry, and maybe pick some for a summer pie. Last among the relatives of Heather you may find Cranberry, though only in the wettest places, and not usually enough to be worth cooking.

If you are very observant and in the right spots you will also see the rich yellow spikes of Bog Asphodel, and, in a few places, Sundew, sticky and spotted with the flies it has caught. The small flowers of Tormentil are everywhere.

The lower slopes can be thickly covered with Bracken. Despite some scares, aerial photos show that any increase is slow. Gone are the days when it was valued and cut as bedding for horses and cattle, and for thatching, (thereby giving local people some control over it).

Among several other ferns is the attractive upland Lemon-scented Fern, and of course there are trees - Birch, Rowan, Hawthorn, Wild Rose, Elder, Bramble, Holly and the plantations of Pine.

2 photos showing Fox Glove and Cottongrass
Left: Foxglove | Right: Cottongrass

Birds are the most noticeable animals, though Lizards, Frogs and Toads may be found, and, in addition to the common lowland and garden Butterflies there are plenty of Green Hairstreak Butterflies whose caterpillars feed on the young Bilberry shoots. Meadow Pipits are most often seen, though most often heard is the Red Grouse, clucking as it whirrs off, low over the heather. And where there are heather moors there is that rare hawk, the Merlin. On the higher moor Curlew and Redshank claim the space as their own, as does the Golden Plover. Hawking for insects, there are plenty of Swallows, Swifts and House Martins, while Carrion Crows, Jackdaw and Rooks are often on the wing looking for morsels. Kestrels are distinctive, hovering on the wind.

Photo: Bracken fond
Bracken fond

The Moor has its share of less-often seen birds. Cuckoos come every year, though they are more often seen than heard, and there are fewer of then than there were. Wheatears favour the higher ground. Among the trees at the edges of the Moor you may see Nuthatches and Treecreepers, and of course garden birds such as Blackbirds, Thrushes, Chiffchaffs and other warblers, and the winter-visiting Fieldfares and Redwings. Wrens and Robins inhabit the lower slopes.

We are so lucky to have such a varied population of wildlife on our doorstep. We need to take care of it, and don't just enjoy it not just for today. Preserve it for generations to come.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

a very pale Early Purple Orchid

A very pale form of Early Purple Orchid in Potton Wood

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Syromastus rhombeus

Another new squash bug at the lodge (try to stay calm!) Usually associated with coastal habitats but increasingly found inland in scrubby habitats.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Toothwort at Chicksands Wood

A number of spikes of this parasitic plant found at Chicksands Wood last Saturday (17th April) - a total surprise for Andy and myself and the best find of the day.

Photo: Melissa Banthorpe

Monday, April 19, 2010

2 Tawny Pinions......

1 of the 2 Tawny Pinions caught on 13th and 16th April 2010 in my Upper Caldecote garden trap.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Green Hairstreak

My first Green Hairstreak of the year at Knocking Hoe today:

Also a hoverfly that tried hard to avoid being snapped, but eventually succumbed:

Photos by Keith Balmer

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Minotaur Beetle and Peacock

A peacock taken today at Maulden woods (a fantastic place for a walk on a spring day) and a female minotaur beetle at the Lodge on Friday. Unlike the male of Will's previous post, the female is clearly without the 3 horns.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A rather worn Orange Underwing at the Lodge today, but showing its underwings well.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Platyrhinus resinosus

This nationally notable B weevil was sitting on the office window today at The Lodge.
Also a rather fine minotaur beetle on the path up by the hill fort

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hovering Bee-Flies

I'm used to seeing bee-flies taking nectar or settling on grasses, but I hadn't noticed before that they (presumably males) also hold station above woodland rides like true hoverflies, chasing anything that comes near. They are really quite agile. Here's a poor picture of one doing this in Chicksands Wood today.

Photo by Keith Balmer

Friday, April 9, 2010

Emperor Moth at Marston Moretaine

This female Emperor Moth was photographed this morning in Marston Moretaine by Phil Candlish. (Grid Ref SP 998 412)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A sunny day on Cooper's Hill

Welcome signs of spring...

Heather beetles were checking out each other - all males I suspect from the behaviour:

A couple of Heather Shieldbugs were sunning themselves:

A patch of bright-red Cladonia lichens caught the eye:

Nice to see the Green Tiger Beetles out again - always a challenge to photograph:

Photos by Keith Balmer

Monday, March 29, 2010

Chilly bees

They're no two-barred crossbill, but the Andrena clarkella nesting aggregation finally came to life last week. The females were pretty active but the cold air and lack of sunshine left the males thermically stranded and probably wondering why they'd bothered coming out of their burrows.