Monday, November 16, 2009


This came to the window tonight - 16/11. Andy B tells me this is Emmelina monodactyla. Cheers Andy.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Brimstone & Common Darter - MVCP

The Brimstone was near the Stewartby Lake gullwatch and the Common Darter was one of about 10 around the MVCP Pillinge this afternoon. Photos by Martin Green.

Very Hungry Rodent

Feeder is 2m above ground, well screened from below by magnolia leaves, and suspended 15cm below branch. I wondered where the fat balls were going!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

UFO - Unidentified Fungal Object

This fungus is about 40-60cm across and is growing on a log (Poplar I think) near the MVCP Sewage works. I believe that it may be some sort of Oyster Fungus - I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who knows what species it is. Photo taken on 7th November 2009 by Martin Green.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Polecat or Ferret

This creature was found on the road-side near Potton by a colleague at the Lodge today. Is it a polecat, a polecat-ferret or a ferret?