Saturday, August 30, 2008

Small Tortoiseshell parasitoids - 30th August

There are suspicions that Sturmia bella a parasitoid fly of Nymphalidae butterflies, relatively new to Britain, may be responsible for the recent decline in Small Tortoiseshells. I collected 30 Small Tortoiseshell larvae from my garden last weekend and all but one successfully pupated. Last night however there was a mass emergence of parasitoid grubs (38 at the last count) from about 15 of the butterfly chrysalids, which quickly pupated. Here is one of the grubs that emerged this morning, which had me quickly scrabbling for my camera, and a couple of other pictures. They will all be sent off for expert identification to see if they are S.bella. The remaining 14 Small Tortoiseshell pupae look okay, but time will tell...

Pictures by Keith Balmer

MVCP - 30th August 2008

One of many Small Red-eyed Damselfies that were patrolling the emergent vegetation on the long pit the runs parallel to the MVCP access track. Photo by Martin Green.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Giant House Spider

Giant House Spider Tegenaria duellica, Broom, 29th August 2008 by Steve Blain. More pics can be found here.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rhododendron Leafhopper

Rhododendron Leafhopper Graphocephala fennahi, The Lodge, 28th August 2008 by Steve Blain. Another shot can be found here.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Felmersham Gravel Pits SSSI - 25th August

A female Southern Hawker allowed me to get really close this afternoon...

A female Ruddy Darter (I think - all black legs) perched photogenically on a Pea...

A female Green-veined White spurned the advances of a male...

While a Brimstone stocked up for the winter...

Pictures by Keith Balmer

Flounced Rustic MVCP 25th August 2008

A Flounced Rustic, which was on a window at my parent's house near Stewartby Lake. Photo taken by Martin Green, moth identified by Melissa Banthorpe.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Volucella inanis

Hoverfly Volucella inanis (Thanks to Roger Morris for the corrcct id), Brogborough Lake, 23rd August 2008 by Steve Blain.

Friday, August 22, 2008

MVCP 23rd August 2008

Male Ruddy Darter, male Migrant Hawker, female Common Darter and a male Common Blue, photos by Martin Green.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Marston Vale CP moths 8th August 2008

The following all came to MV light by the reedbed at Marston Vale CP on 8th August.

Southern Wainscot by M G Banthorpe

Twin-spotted Wainscot by M G Banthorpe

Webb's Wainscot by M G Banthorpe

Chilo phragmitella by A M Banthorpe

Eucosma campoliliana by A M Banthorpe

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Black Arches

Black Arches, The Lodge, 7th August 2008 by Steve Blain.