Saturday, June 30, 2007

Wasp attack

This afternoon I watched a wasp hunting emerging dragonflies at my garden pond. It attacked a recently emerged Southern Hawker severing its head with a series of bites. It took chunks off to its nest repeatedly returning to eat the thorax as well. The lower images shows the butchery taking place. The top image shows the wasp in flight as it leaves the crime scene. Photos by Steve Cham

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Wierd Fungus

I came across this wierd looking fungus growing amongst the pebbles at the margins of the main lake at Willington. It was quite abundant. Does anyone know what species it is as I cannot find it in my field guides.
Photo by Steve Cham

Yellow Flag Sawfly

I spent a very wet afternoon at Willington. The Yellow Flag around the margins of some of the pools was covered in the larvae of Yellow Flag Sawfly. Some plants were almost completely eaten. Photos by Steve Cham

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Common Darter

Plenty of Common Darters emerging today. These were at Rookery ClP, 23rd June 2007 by Steve Blain.

Marbled White

At least 20 Marbled Whites were at Coronation ClP today. 23rd June 2007 by Steve Blain.

Clouded Yellow

Just after photographing the orchid this floated past me - a Clouded Yellow! Rookery ClP, 23rd June 2007 by Steve Blain.

Pyramidal Orchid

I found a lone spike of Pyramidal Orchid at Rookery South ClP today. 23rd June 2007 by Steve Blain.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Another Jumping Spider

Another jumping spider, this time Pseudeuophrys lanigera at The Lodge, 21st June 2007 by Steve Blain.

Zebra Spider

This is another jumping spider Salticus scenicus (or Zebra Spider) at The Lodge, 21st June 2007 by Steve Blain.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hornet Moth part 2

Another photo of Hornet Moth from this am, an unattached female!
Photo by Andy Banthorpe

Hornet Moths - Sesia apiformis

Melissa found this pair of mating Hornet Moths at MVCP this morning on the trunk of a Black Poplar. Another female was nearby. The lower photo shows the pupal exuvia protruding from the base of the trunk of the same tree. Photos by Andy Banthorpe

Monday, June 18, 2007

Jumping spider

A fantastic little jumping spider Sitticus pubescens (male) I found in my shed. Many thanks to Ian Dawson for their id. Broom, 18th June 2007 by Steve Blain.

House spider

This beastie is Tegenaria domestica (a male) and is commonly found in houses. Broom, 18th June 2007 by Steve Blain.

MVCP Damselflies and Dragonflies 16-17th June

An Emperor Dragonfly and a selection of damselflies (Large Red, Blue-tailed and Red-eyed) at MVCP this weekend. The egg-laying Emperor Dragonfly was being constantly hassled by Common Blue Damselflies.

Agapanthia villosoviridescens

This longhorn was one of the species found on the BNHS Longhorn trip in King's Wood, Heath & Reach, on Sunday 17th June. It is Agapanthia villosoviridescens. Photo by Melissa Banthorpe

Burnet Companion

This Burnet Companion moth was sunning itself by a ride in King's Wood, Heath & Reach, whilst on the BNHS Longhorns trip on Sunday 17th June. Photo by Melissa Banthorpe

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dragon catches Damsel

A highly magified photo shows a male Emperor dragonfly catch and consume one of the hundreds of Common Blue Damselflies emerging at Willington today. Photo by Steve Cham


Female Broad Bodied Chaser egg laying at Sundon quarry. My hi res version shows a column of water from the tip of the abdomen to the waters surface. One can just see the eggs being released as it dipped down. Photo by Steve Cham


A pair of Dock Shield Bugs mating. Roxton.


This little chap wandered up my drive mid-morning today. He was limping a bit, so I guess he may not last too much longer. Poor chap. Broom, 17th June 2007 by Steve Blain.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

A.cyanea in the rain

Despite torrential downpours and a thunderstorm, two Southern Hawkers today emerged from my garden pond, on the stalks of Flowering Rush. There was just enough protection from the overhanging leaves. So far this year more than 20 have emerged over the last 3 weeks.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Emperor, The Lodge

Female Emperor ovipositing on the old swimming pool, RSPB The Lodge, Sandy

Odonata at The Lodge

Azure Damselfly

Broad-bodied Chaser

Heath pond, The Lodge, 12th June 2007 by Steve Blain

Monday, June 11, 2007

Snow in June!!!

It looked like snow over the fields at Roxton at the beginning of June. It was the Willows shedding their downy seeds early morning.

I have been watching Adders at Maulden since early March. The pair below were sharing the first warmth of the sun after emerging from hibernaculum (07/03). During April (08/04) they were more adventurous with a male sunning out in the open.

Common Spotted Orchid

This Common Spotted Orchid was near the edge of Stewartby Lake not far from the MVCP Vistors Centre. Photo taken by Martin Green.
After several years of trying I finally got a 4-spotted Chaser in flight. There are good numbers present at Sundon Quarry where this photo was taken.

Downy Emerald in Flight

Last weekend at Jones Pit (small lake) the Downy Emerald was present in double figures. Each holding territory the males hover in suitable areas where they search for females. The only way to photograph them is in flight.